The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has developed and has oversight of many requirements for the training of employees who are exposed to hazardous chemical, mechanical and biological and logistical conditions at the workplace. OSHA enforces workplace safety regulations and sets requirements for OSHA training at over 7 million workplaces. OSHA regulations govern the activities of the employer. Currently, 23 states and territories have their own regulatory programs that apply to both private businesses and government workplaces. Some adopt the OSHA rules, and some have stricter requirements and stronger penalties. Many businesses claim that the rules are complex and difficult to understand, but as many companies have found out, what you don’t know can hurt you.
Well-trained personnel are the best defense against workplace accidents, injuries and potential lawsuits – it’s just that simple. Our training programs are comprehensive and to the point, and our clients have told us that the improved safety has reduced costs and created competitive advantages that can be sustained in the long term, and thus enhancing stakeholder value. They enable our clients to fulfill the many requirements that the OSHA mandates for those who to handle or work near hazardous substances and materials. Our training addresses mandatory OSHA requirements in a logical, easily understood format, and we offer courses in both English and Spanish.
We create additional stakeholder value helping to protect employees from harm. We also mitigate enterprise risk by protecting organizations from violating workplace safety and health standards and the potential civil or criminal penalties. With civil penalties of up to $70,000 for each violation, penalties can reach into the millions of dollars, and criminal penalties can result in prison time. There is a very active OSHA inspection program – in a recent year, OSHA conducted more than 37,000 workplace inspections and identified over 83,000 violations. Our centers of safety training excellence include:
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